The Membership of FRW participate year round in a variety of programs.
General Membership Meetings. Our meetings are held typically the 4th Wed evening of the month with some exceptions. Location of meeting can vary. We primarily gather at the Fullerton Sizzler, Coyote Hills Golf Course and members homes.
Remaining 2024 Meetings
Sept. 25 Meeting
Oct.23 Meeting
Dec. 4th HollyBerry Celebration
Social Events - Mixers, Dinners, Hollyberry Christmas Luncheon, Membership Celebration Luncheon
Local, State and Federal Elections, candidate presentations, voter turnout events
Speaker Education - keeping our members abreast of current topics and challenges.
Fullerton City Advocacy / Orange County including city council, schools, quality of life issues
Networking with other local Conservative clubs for social and political activism.